I think farts are so funny. The funniest is when your girl farts in front of you. I laugh just thinking about it.
30 November 2001
28 November 2001
26 November 2001
If you wait a little bit a special little song that I like very much will play. Btw I'm going to be like Jim Adkins, the lead singer from Jimmy Eat world, when I get great at playig my guitar. Lately I've realized how great music is. It provides me with an outlet. Oh and I would also want to be Aaron Lewis, he too rocks.
I'm so freakin tired i just want to lay down and give up. I hate fighting this uphill battle. Fuck I hate school. Fuck I hate work. Fuck I've been cussing too much lately.
25 November 2001
24 November 2001
Last night was pretty cool. I got to hang out and talk with old friends. DAMN!!! I still didn't see Kev do the monkey dance.
22 November 2001
21 November 2001
Kick OPEC While It's Down! Mwahahahaha!!! I love it. Down with the monopolistic, Islamic fundalmentalist, Anit-American, Organization of Pussies Exploiting Countries.
20 November 2001
George Carlin is an ass that speaks from his ass. He thinks since his life is fucked up everyone's should be too. He's a damn communist.
Yesterday night was an interesting one. I got to school and was just chillin with Ness. So then we go to the amp cause there isn't anyone there which means no smokers. since everyone smokes at PCC. So yeah, we're just lying down looking at the sky. I had star ownage. Then some fob came up to us, while came up to me. It was like he was Taliban and didn't even look at Ness. He wanted me to help him with his english vocabulary. He was asking me what all these words meant and I, being a good Summeriatian helped him out. For example one of the phrases was "check out" so I told him, "It's like when you're walking down a street and you see a pretty lady you 'check her out'" At this time I was pointing Ness. It was so random. Then walking Ness to her class it was cancelled and I thought she was gonna go all crazy. I left Math early cause I couldn't concentrate. DAMN!!! I hate school!
19 November 2001
Here are the juicy details from my date with Vanessa, that's Tilaka's first name. I picked her up in the very jungles of Vietnam. I'm telling you Victor Charley was everywhere. The incursion was a tricky one, Clemintine (my car) alerted the whole block to my presence. A quick recon mission and I found the house. I needed a machete to get to the door. After a quick shoot out with her mom Vanessa and I safely left for the urban jungles.
This was my first time ever to Koreantown and it was everything and asian ghetto should be. With a great Mexican resturant, El Cholo right in the middle. Dinner was really good. Vanessa kept throwing things in the fountian and kept spitting things out, and didn't finish her dinner either. I love Clemintine, she gave the vallet parking attendants the hardest time. Mwahahaha. Getting back to the freeway we took the scenic route, I wasn't lost.
I just love driving the freeways at 7 p.m. and having there be traffic up the wazzoo. But it gave me a chance to practice some of my moves on her. The stop short method worked great. Man parking was crap at Old Town. The parking attendant at the garage must have the boringest job, just sit there and can't even go shopping.
Man, Vanessa is the BIGGEST tease. I'll tell you this I had the biggest smile on my face the WHOLE time. I got this sweet hat. I like it a lot. Shallow Hal was some funny shit. I have news for people not ALL ugly people are nice and beautiful on the inside. I personally think a lot of fat chicks are real bitches, especially the ones with tight clothes thinking they can wear that, but they just get my naseated looking at that lard shit.
Over all Vanessa, on a scale of 1 to 10 was a 10. She was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go out with her again. It was like riding a bike for the first time without the training wheels. The band talk was great. LOL. Thanx Ness for a good time.
18 November 2001
17 November 2001
I so much wish I did go into the Air Force. I would love to be a pilot. It is probable on top of my most "wanted to do list," looks like it will never happen though. =(
16 November 2001
I feel like Michael Douglas in the movie Falling Down. I was driving home from work today and there was already traffic at 2 O'CLOCK!!! Then some asshole 16-wheller driver cuts me off. At this time I'm almost to the braking point. Then another fucker cuts me off, is there are big ass sign on my head saying, "Fuck with me?" That's about the time I kinda snap, I yell, "FUCKER!!!" at the top of my lungs. I should go work for the post office so I have an excuse to go on a shooting rampage.
I don't want to be one of the worker bees getting lost in the daily repetition of everyday life. I don't want to be a male drone for the queen. Is there no escape from this place? I guess I just have to keep on trucking.
I can't stop shaking. I'm just so mad. Damn, I hate people. I have to look at the good side of everything. Tomorrow I'm going out, still deciding what to do.
I leave you with this parting quote: UGH!!!!!
SOBE!!! Nothing like getting all hyper from sobe in the morning. But I'm sooo tired so it's only managing to keep me awake. UGH, I think I'll take a nap. Hey Vanessa, do you take naps? LOL
15 November 2001
14 November 2001
I have MAJOR road rage. I end up using every four letter word everytime I get in the car. And why the fawk is my damn connection all slow? Its pissing me off! I also got a freakin 44% on my damn math test. I'm still getting a B in the class but I'm totally lost. Same thing with chem. But it's ok I am happy, I'[m going out Saturday so It's all good.
13 November 2001
I'm watching Never Been Kissed and it's sad when she's all dressed for the prom and gets egged. It sucks how cruel kids can be.
I have all these funny feelings inside. I thought i woud never feel this again, but it's wired. I 'm confused and am really having a hard time thinking things out.
12 November 2001
10 November 2001
09 November 2001
This morning on my way into work I saw a bum taking a dump on newspaper on the sidewalk and then throwing it down the storm drain. Doesn't he know that the storm drains go to the ocean?
08 November 2001
07 November 2001
Just something I surfed into. -=The Doll Palace=- Lots of the gifs there remind me of a girl @ SHS.

06 November 2001
AHHHH!!! I want this!!! So...mom if you are reading this, my birthday is coming up.
Want to know what IE 5 did for Halloween? Read about it here.
05 November 2001
04 November 2001
Ever feel like nobody listens to you? Like they just disregard your feelings. It's hard enough not being wanted, it's worst when no one listens to your cries.
03 November 2001
Man, ppl go to college and spend money on websites. Louise gets her own domain, and Kyle get ad free ezboard. I feel like I'm investing my money in the wrong places like the bank, and on my classic car. And now I'm thinking of buying another mustang, a 66. I don't know tho. It could be anywhere from 5 to ten thousand. I have to see how much the guy wants and the condition of the car. But you should see this car its sweet. A lot nicer than mine.