25 September 2002

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck.

22 September 2002

About 2 weeks ago I was attacked by a crazy fan. You see I was driving to school and I was stopped waiting for a train to pass. I see in my rear view mirror this girl get out of her car and run up to my car. I’m thinking, “What the fuck did I do now?” She pops out asks if I’m single then she gives me her number. I’m still thinking, “What the fuck?” But it’s more like, “What the fuck just happened?” Then I remember, “I’m Big Papa. Ooooooooooooh yeah.” So I call the crazy lady and she seems pretty cool. We meet one night and have a drink and I find out that she’s the beautiful crazy lady that I wouldn’t mind….. Uh nevermind that part. Btw her name is Annie, and she’s pretty cool. Too bad she wants to see me dance.

11 September 2002

Today is the one year anniversary of 9/11. I'm feeling a little more emotional this year than last year. Cuz I'm just listening to everything that's happened and it just makes me so angry that these cowards dared to attack us. US, the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world. And I'm just feeling horrible cuz I did nothing, absolutely nothing to help in any way. I remember being angry that day because I still had to go to class. I dont know why I'm feeling like this. I guess I just have the common American attitude that as long as it doesn't affect me then it's no big deal. I'm thinking now that I am in the army that it has affected me and will continue to affect me in the future. I just wish I did more sooner. All I can say is I'm sorry.