I fell REALLY hard Monday trayboarding. I almost really fucked up my elbow. Thomas got a pic of me falling it will be up shortly. And Spidey is coming out too!!! Hopefully I'll go with Nancy this weekend. And John sorry bout not posting blogger was being crappy.
30 April 2002
28 April 2002
Well I just started taking creatine. It would be going a lot better if I had a workout buddy. Cuz I'm not that motivated to keep working out. Hopefully I can pass the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) at my unint May 18th. I also got Tim Allen to join the reserves. I think he's gonna like it.
23 April 2002
Drill was ok. It was really boring, but everyone there was really nice. My sis and her family went back and it's real quiet now. Today I got this girl, Nancy, well I got her number and a date. I don't write as much as I should. I'm always tired. I got to bed tired, I wake up tired, and I'm tired throughout the day.
19 April 2002
First drill weekend this week, soooooooo exciting. I want to post some pics up here. But Ness wouldn't like it, so I will respect her. FOR NOW!!!!!!!! Be back Sunday with a report of the 425th.
16 April 2002
15 April 2002
![]() I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You? |
11 April 2002
This was on Elaine's away message:
It's the first day of kindergarten, and the teacher decides to do taste association. 'I'll blindfold you and give you a lifesaver, and you tell me what flavor it is,' she tells the children. So she gives them all a cherry flavor, and says, 'What flavor is that?'
The whole class answers 'Mmmm, that's cherry.'
'Very good,' the teacher replies. So she gives them all a grape and they reply, 'Mmm, that's grape.'
'Very good,' she says again.
Then she gives them all a honey flavor. The whole class sits perplexed by the strange taste, so the teacher says 'OK, I'll give you a hint, it's something your parents might call each other.'
Billy spits his out on the floor and yells, 'Spit 'em out everyone, they're ASSHOLES!'
10 April 2002
My sister and I were watching Jenny Jones and there was a fat chick on there. Here's our conversation.
Danielle: That guy's so mean, he's critizing her.
Me: Well sometimes fat people need to be critizied.
Daniele: Well why do you think they eat so much in the first place?
Me: Cuz they're fat!!!!!!!
06 April 2002
04 April 2002
I think it's total bullshit what the Israelis are getting from the rest of the world, including the U.S. (Shhhhhhh, im in the army now, I agree with EVERYTHING the government does. EVERYTHING!!!) People have to be blind or stupid or both to realize that the Arabs never wanted peace with the Israelis and that they still don't. Even the Saudi peace plan is total BS, they want displaced palestinians to be brought back to Israel. That's total shit then that would totally undermine the purpose of a "Jewish" state. How does the head of a terrorist ring get elected as leader of the PLO? Easy, arabs dont give a shit about jews. I'm sorry I'm a bit angry on how the U.N. wants Israel to pull out. If something like this happened in any other country, especially a European one the response would be a dealt tougher. The Arab countries should be lucky that Israel is going lightly on them. They know that Israel can take out all the Mideast countries and that's why they want to shrink their borders to indefensible lines. Rediculous.
03 April 2002
02 April 2002
Your average life span is: 90 Years Old
By modifying your Health, Lifestyle, Diet and Environment you can live to be: 100 Years Old
You were born on Monday, January 10, 1983. You have lived 7,023 days and have 25,754 days left to live. Lets make them count!
You should die on Thursday October 06, 2072 at 1:26:08 AM.
How long do you have to live?