many options. Too many.
29 December 2001
27 December 2001
Whoo Hooo!!!! A few more weeks till my birthday. X-mas was great. Everyone, thank you for the gifts and friendship. I would have to say tho that the best part was Christmas night.
20 December 2001
I have a headache. I can't wait till this weekend when I can just relax. LOL that's funny. Relax, yeah right. Not with my mom screaming and me. Not with my damn computer pissing me. Not with all my woman problems. I want to just do nothing, but nothing doesn't solve anything. Well it feels like anything I do solves nothing. It's okay though, I know everything is going to be alright. I don't want to miss these options I have. I see that they're there, but I don't know if I want to take them. I don't know if they will fix things or make things better. But I can't do nothing and let life roll over me like a fucking steam roller. Not only do I want my life to be ok, but I want everyone's life to be ok. Like I was talking to my friend(no names) the other night, and it really helps just to have someone to listen and talk to. I could go for a good friend right now. Sure I have friends, but guys don't count cuz guys don't talk to guys, that's just a rule. And all my women friends are busy. Man that made me sound like a pimp, "All my women friends." Haha, I like that.
18 December 2001
FUCK YEAH!!!! FUCK YEAH!!! FUCK YEAH!!!! I got a C in chem!!! WHOOOO!!!! LOL John was in my office and he steped on the model, but it was so funny cuz he didnt know it and when he found out he was like, "Oh fuck." I say "like" too much.
13 December 2001
As if China isn't sending us their tired, their poor, their hudled mass freeloading of us hard working Americans they have to send their pollution.
12 December 2001
08 December 2001
I'm feeling a lot better. Today Elaine Lau came over and she helped me with my math. Then I took her home and we just chilled for a little. We talked about life, realtionships, and just the general fat chewing. I even got to see a picture of her drunk. Then I promply yelled at her. Then Louise called and made me feel 1000 times better.
I am 17.5% British, just like
Bob Hope
You claim to be one third Irish, two thirds Welsh and couldn't find either Ireland or Wales on a map.
Take the Brit Quiz at
Quiz written by Daz
07 December 2001
If I were a James Bond villain, I would be Francisco Scaramanga. I enjoy good food, monopolising the world's energy supplies, and sex before assassinating people. I am played by Christopher Lee in The Man with the Golden Gun. Who would you be? James Bond Villain Personality Test |
If I were a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing. Which work of art would you be? The Art Test |
06 December 2001
04 December 2001
YAY!!! Presents!!! Presents!!! Presents!!! My order from came. Now I can wrap these "Presents!!!" AndI also got myself a nice DVD of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. =) this has mad my day.
03 December 2001
I'm at the computer lab at school right now because my uncle has my car. He said it would only take a weekend. THAT DAMN LIAR!!! I swear, I can't really count on him. And some stupid korumbo is playing footsies with me. I know I have style and I'm good looking, but I'm NOT gay.